In 2017, Poché Prouet and Associates, Ltd. (PPA) approached Fenstermaker to work with them on a proposed facility near the intersection of Cajundome Boulevard and Eraste Landry Road in Lafayette, Louisiana. The site consisted of 15.9 acres of undeveloped land owned by UL Lafayette. Of the 15.9 acres of property, 6.6 acres were planned to be developed into a photovoltaic generating facility also known as a solar farm. Fenstermaker consists of multiple service lines across three main divisions. Because of this, we were able to help PPA with multiple aspects of the project. First, a topographic survey of the property was conducted which included the collection of an elevation grid, existing utility information, drainage features, and boundary data. This data was used to develop engineering design drawings and a drainage report showing pre and post drainage conditions.
Utilities were located with care, upon completion of an LAOne Call ticket, Fenstermaker contacted each utility owner and discussed the project and the importance of the utility location activity. This was key in obtaining accurate information on existing utilities within the project site. By engaging and working with the utility companies effected by the project, we were able to meet with their employees on site and locate the one call markings. Those that did not mark the utilities in the field provided detailed inventory maps showing the approximate location of their utilities. Upon completion of construction activities, Fenstermaker conducted an as-built survey of the final grading and drainage layout as well as the final height of the fence along Eraste Landry Road and along the Northeast boundary of the project site to ensure adherence to the construction plans developed the project engineers and architects.
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