City of Denham Springs
Engineering, Environmental
Stage 0 Feasibility Study, Design, Construction Management
Fenstermaker completed the design for a pavement overlay and widening of Tate Road in Denham Springs, LA. Prior to the design phase, Fenstermaker completed the Stage 0 Feasibility Study for this project.
Tate Road is a two-lane roadway located within the urbanized area of Denham Springs and classified as a major collector on the State of Louisiana’s Functional System Map. Fenstermaker designed improvements to patch failing pavement areas, overlay the existing asphalt roadway, and widen the roadway to increase the existing nine-foot travel lanes to ten feet in width. Fenstermaker also collected traffic data, performed a pavement design analysis, completed a drainage design analysis for cross culverts, prepared the environmental documentation for Programmatic Categorical Exclusion (PCE), and oversaw LA DOTD s Constructability Review.
Additionally, Fenstermaker was responsible for coordinating the project with LA DOTD to comply with state requirements. The project design was funded through the local agency, while the construction portion received 80/20 State/Local match.
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