December 5, 2018
From left to right - Newell Schindler. P.E., Yelena Rivera, P.E., Chris Roussel, Justin Guillot, and Zack Snow.
From left to right – Newell Schindler. P.E., Yelena Rivera, P.E., Chris Roussel, Justin Guillot, I.E.,and Zack Snow.
This year, Fenstermaker’s New Orleans office participated in two Christmas giving campaigns. The staff provided Christmas gifts for five underprivileged children and teenagers ranging in ages from six to sixteen, through the Volunteers of America Greater New Orleans Annual Christmas Wish Project.
In addition, the New Orleans Team also participated in the Arnaud’s Teddy Bear Giveaway which benefits the New Orleans Police Department & the Raintree Children and Family Services.
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